Passive Fire Door Solutions
Fire doors are an integral part of fire safety within any building, helping to reduce the spread of fires, thus helping to give extra time to respond, minimise damage and safe guarding lives.
Not only do we provide and install the latest fire doors we also offer a complete range of fire door services. Whether you’ve just moved into a new property and the existing fire doors need inspecting, or alternatively you need a full fire compartment survey for the whole building, we offer a quick and trusted service.
What We Do
Fire Risk Assessments
Fire door inspection – Repairs & Replacements
Fire Monitored systems
Fire Compartment Surveys
Fire Door Signage
Commissioning Services
Trained & Certified
The commissioning team are highly trained and certified on all products used and ensure the project is fully tested, signed off and certified.
Maintenance – Stay Compliant
Our Maintenance & Support Team ensure that all systems are regularly maintained in line with all the current regulations and standards, they are fully equipped with the latest fully calibrated testing equipment to ensure a smooth and efficient visit and customer experience.